Tutorial para Custom Shops

3 de novembro de 2009

Abaixo segue um tutorial feito pelo Flame Samurai que ensina como customizar as suas lojas no RPG Maker. Isto pode oferecer algumas funcionalidades como, evitar de o jogador vender um ítem alimento (por exemplo, uma maçã) em uma loja de armas. O texto está em inglês.

Title: Custom Shops
By: Flame Samurai ( flame_samurai (at) hotmail (dot) com )

Now, I have checked everywhere around these tutorial pages and found no
other FAQs that explain this trick, so I’ll make this one my first Tutorial.

Except for people who have just started off RPG Maker, most of us pretty
much know how to work shops. You choose what to buy, or not buy, and choose
whether to sell or not, or to sell only, and so fourth. But what I have
noticed is that if you choose to sell only in a store, the ‘add’ and
‘delete’ functions grey out, meaning you don’t get to choose what you want
to sell back to the store.

Because of this, players are able to buy medicine in an item store and sell
it back at a weapon store. Whats the sense in that? Well, there are two ways
to go about that. The 1st way is a little simpler (just a little) but takes
shorter in the process _and_ can be pretty annoying to the people that play
your game. The 2nd way doesn’t get much harder in terms of understanding,
but it does take a lot of time to complete, but in the end, the person
playing your game will enjoy it more. So its up to you to decide which one
you’ll go with. I’ll guide you step by
step to show how to sell _back_ certain things in certain stores.


Okay, first thing is first. We need to make items to work with. Just make
the items what I tell you so that when I refer back to them you’ll know what
I’m talking about. If you don’t know how to make items, I suggest you read a
different FAQ on it first and come back here.

First item—
Name: Sword
Type: Arms
Price: 200GP
Other: Just leave it or make your own, we’re not gonna battle so it doesn’t

Second item—
Name: Healing Herb
Type: Medicine
Price: 30GP
Other: Optional

Third item—
Name: Snake Skin
Type: Common Item
Price: 0GP (trust me, just do it)
Other: Optional

Fourth item—
Name: Bear Fur
Type: Common Item
Price: 0GP
Other: Optional

Okay, let me explain a few things. We finished making our items, but…snake
skin? bear fur? And what about the price? Yes, I know I know, and I can
answer that. In this example, we’ll pretend we’re making a game where
monsters drop skins and furs etc. instead of gold, because that is more
realistic, no? And so we’ll be making a ‘fur shop’ to sell the furs and
skins we get from enemies for money.

This means that we can’t be selling our furs to normal weapon shops, but
rather only fur shops. And as you may or may not know, when you put a ‘1’ or
‘0’ as the price for any item, you can not sell that item in any stores.

So that clears up a few things and cures the problem of ‘being able to sell
furs in weapon stores etc.’ but how to we get to sell them in fur shops?
Well, since this is method 1, it won’t be THAT great but it’s still good.
Here is what you do. Oh, and when you see a ‘note -‘ in between event
commands, don’t input it in, because thats just me explaining reasons for
putting thoughs commands in.

-Make an event.

-note – it doesn’t matter where you make the event, but it should be in a
fur shop if possible (you don’t have to make one for this method, but you do
for the second, so if you’ll be trying out both, just make one now)

-make a second page, and go back to the first one

-for the first page, in the starting conditions, input the item called
‘snake skin’ in the place where it says ‘item held’

-for the second page, in the starting conditions, input the item called
‘bear fur’ in the place where it says ‘item held’

-note-These starting conditions just tell the event you made earlier to turn
on ONLY under the circumstance that you have one of the items.

-now, put some kind of bartender character into both pages of the event
whether he is standing behind a counter or not, so as you could see where
the event is in your test play, which you will do later.

-make it ‘push key’ in both pages.

-make it ‘stand still’ in both pages.

-note- now, onto the context of the event.

-in the first page, make a message saying “Oh, I see you have a piece of
snake fur with you. Would you be willing to trade it for 10GP?”

-after the message, put in a ‘show choice’ with two choices–yes, and no.

-yes-make another message saying “Oh, thank you very much!”

-yes-now, use the ‘add and remove items’ function to remove ONE snake skin.

-yes-okay, so now use the ‘gold held’ function to increase the money by

-yes-note-This will take away your snake skin and give you 100GP, meaning
you sold it for that amount.

-no-for the ‘no’ choice, input the message “Oh, thats too bad..Well, off you
go then.”

-note- And there you have the first page finished. for the second page, do
the same things, only replace all the words with ‘snake skin’ in it to ‘bear
fur’ because the second page event deals with bear fur, and you can also
change the gold held that you give the player.

AND THERE YOU HAVE IT, METHOD 1! Not that hard if you follow instructions,
right? Once you get it down in your head, it’ll be easy as pie. The more
advanced users should try method 2 below though, because there are some
flaws in this one. For one, if the player has 50-99 furs, it could get
pretty annoying selling them one by one. But this method would work well if
you had to sell something that you don’t sell too often, maybe story related
or something.

Well, test run it and see if it works. If you need to ask me any questions,
my email is above. Onto Method 2.


Alright, before we make the items that we need to work with, I want to
explain something. In order for this method to work, you must make a
duplicate of every item you’ve got. So that means double the items. A good
way to do this without getting lost is: after finishing you game, go to the
items section, highlight all you items and copy it. Then, make some space
below the batch of items and paste them, and change a few things around
(you’ll know what so don’t worry). But you don’t have to make doubles of
them just yet. We’ll create a few items for the start just to show you how
to do it and then you’ll decide what you want to do.

Okay, a word of advice. Please copy me exactly in the making of the items,
and give them the name I suggest, because it’ll be much easier for you to
refer back to the items when I call out their name.

First Item–
Name: Sword
Type: Arms
Price: 200GP
Other: Don’t worry about the other options, they don’t matter in this

Second Item–
Name: Sword
Type: Arms
Price: 0GP(trust me on this one)
Other: Optional

Third item–
Name: Healing Herb
Type: Medicine
Price: 30GP
Other: Optional

Fourth item–
Name: Healing Herb
Type: Medicine
Price: 0GP
Other: Optional

Fifth item–
Name: Snake Skin
Type: Common item
Price: 20GP
Other: Optional

Sixth item–
Name: Snake Skin
Type: Common item
Price: 0GP
Other: Optional

Seventh item–
Name: Bear Fur
Type: Common item
Price: 40GP
Other: Optional

Eighth item–
Name: Bear Fur
Type: Common item
Price: 0GP
Other: Optional

Okay, let me explain a few things. We finished making our items, but…snake
skin? bear fur? And what about the price? Yes, I know I know, and I can
answer that. In this example, we’ll pretend we’re making a game where
monsters drop skins and furs etc. instead of gold, because that is more
realistic, no? And so we’ll be making a ‘fur shop’ to sell the furs and
skins we get from enemies for money.

This means that we can’t be selling our furs to normal weapon shops, but
rather only fur shops. And as you may or may not know, when you put a ‘1’ or
‘0’ as the price for any item, you can not sell that item in any stores.

So, the main ‘trick’ in this trick is to give the player furs that are worth
0GP when he defeats an enemy. This disallows them to sell them in ANY stores
under normal cercumstances.

So that clears up a few things and cures the problem of ‘being able to sell
furs in weapon stores etc.’ but how to we get to sell them in fur shops?
Well, that is why we made dupicates of each item. We need to do the old
‘switchomaroo’ with these items. This means taking away the items worth
nothing and replacing them with items worth something so that we may sell
them. Ah, but when do we do that? Well, the best way is to have a map
containing ONLY the fur shop and nothing else (because I know how some
create a one map containing all the shops and houses. This is WRONG).

The trick is to trigger the switchomaroo right after entering the shop, and
switching them back after leaving the shop so you won’t be able to sell them
again in other stores. Okay, here are steps on what you do. Oh, and when you
see a ‘note -‘ then don’t input that in, because thats just me explaining a
few things.

-make a map which takes place outside. A town, if you will. Make two houses
in the map. A weapon shop, and a fur shop.

-note-you don’t need to make ’em fancy or anything.

-now, make an event in the doorway of the fur shop.

-note-don’t put any starting conditions in unless they have something to do
with the storyline or whatnot, but you should do all that other technical
stuff like ‘hero touch’ etc.

-for the context of the event, put in a teleport, and send the main
character to the fur shop map

-IN the furshop map, open up another event in a place where the player can’t
reach (in a wall).

-It should be ‘paralell process’

-Okay, for the context, put in a fork. Make it depend on ‘item held.’ You
don’t have to add an ELSE case.

-let the item held be the Snake Skin that is worth 0GP. remember, 0GP. Not
the other one.

-note-remember to give your character certain items from the batch that you
made. Give him a couple of Swords(200GP), Herbs(30GP), Snake Skins(0GP), and
Bear Furs(0GP). Note the money value. Don’t give yourself the rest of them,
just give a COUPLE of the ones I specified.

-note-Hmm, two notes together…o.O..anyway, remember that when you make
enemies drop furs and skins, they should always be the ones worth 0GP.

-Okay, now, inputing INSIDE the fork you just made that only triggers if you
have at least _1_ Snake Skin, do this — Take away _1_ Snake Skin(0GP) using
the ‘add/remove item’ function.

-Again, using that same function, ADD _1_ Snake Skin (20GP this time) to
your inventory.

-This concludes the fork. Skip to the ‘end case’ title and make yet another

-note-Make sure your second for IS NOT inside your first.

-your second fork should depend on ‘item held’ again. The item should be
Bear Fur(0GP). So input that and click ok. You don’t need an ELSE case.

-In the fork, take away the bear fur(0GP) and add the bear fur(40GP)


-Make it depend on ‘item held’ again and this time, the item should be

-Take away the sword for 200GP, and add the one for 0GP. That finishes the
third fork.

-FOURTH FORK! do the same, but replace the item with the healing herb(30GP)

-take away herb(30GP) and add herb(0GP). Now your done all the forks for
this room. Yay!

-note-What you just did is give value to the skins and furs and take away
value from the sword and herb. It converts each item. Now you will be able
to sell the furs and skins, and not sell the weapon and herb.

-make a shop event ‘sell only’ because you are here to sell your furs for
money, not buy anything.

-note-You CAN set to buy in the fur shop. like buying other furs, but then
you would have to make duplicates of those and change them back to 0GP
before you go back out of the room.

-Okay, after that, go back to the main map of your town and set up another
event there, ALSO paralel process. Make sure it is out of reach.

-Now, create those four forks again and repeat those steps with only one

-note-The xx is to be replaced with the cost of each item, and since that
varies because there are a lot of items, i just put an xx instead of naming
all the prices. Just check back if you don’t know it, its above somewhere.

-note-Anyway, if you don’t understand my last few lines, just reread them
carefully. What you are doing is just converting them BACK to what they were
before you entered the fur shop. This is needed, because you want to be able
to sell your weapons and items now, and not stick with the ‘sell only furs’

-note-If you STILL don’t get it, please email me. I’ll gladly give you the
rest of the steps to completing it. If there is a lot of emails, I’ll post a
new version for all, so don’t worry. If you don’t understand any of the
steps that ARE posted, just email me and I’ll explain in other words. My
email can be found up at the beginning of this Tutorial.

WELL, THERE YOU HAVE IT. METHOD 2!! Thats right, thats how you do it. Now,
if you go to the weapon shop you made earlier and tried to sell there, you
would be back to selling the weapon and herb, and no furs! But wait…you
would still be giving a herb back to a weapon store…Problem solved! This
method (2nd) can apply to any item. You can do the same event in the weapon
shop, only changing the items in the forks around a bit and you’ll be able
to sell ONLY items in an item store, ONLY weapons in a weapon store, ONLY
furs/skins in a FUR shop, and anything else!

I’d like to Thank SolaDragon for helping me with Method 1, Don for posting
this tutorial and anyone else that reads this tutorial and sends me
feedback…I’ll be waiting…

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