Inn Alternativo
20 de fevereiro de 2013Scene_Inn é um script para o RPG Maker XP, criado por rpgmaker, que cria um sistema de Inn alternativo em um projeto/game desta ferramenta.
A utilização é bem simples, sendo chamado através de eventos (veja a demo) e sem precisar de editar o script para traduzir para português ou ingles:
$scene =, 15,"Bem Vindo", "imagem1.png", "Descançar", "Sair" , "Ir Emborar", "Sem dinheiro", 100, "Custa:", "Eu vou te matar se vc não descançar em paz;")
Atenção: Convém corrigir os erros de português depois de copiar e colar o evento no seu projeto.
E, para instalar, basta copiar e colar o código abaixo, em cima do Main:
class Game_Party attr_accessor :gold end #======================================= #Scene_Inn=============================== #created by rpgmaker======================= #======================================= class Scene_Inn def initialize(x, y,message, picture, command1, command2, goodbye, lessmoney, price, set_price, whatnext) @x = x # The x position for the selection window @y = y # The y position for the selection window @message = message # Message display @picture = picture # sprite for inn keeper, can be left blank, u add "" @command1 = command1 # option one @command2 = command2 #option two @goodbye = goodbye # Message that will be shown when leaving Inn @lessmoney = lessmoney # If Price is less @price = price # Cost for the inn @set_price = set_price # Show message for price @whatnext = whatnext # Show what next when u select No end def main @spriteset = @sprite = @sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(@picture) @sprite.x = 63 @sprite.y = 95 @sprite.opacity = 100 @sprite.z = 300 @dummy_window =, 90, 95, 90) @inn_window = @inn_window .x = 150 @inn_window .y = 90 @inn_window .width = 400 @inn_window .height = 90 @inn_window .set_text(@message) # Message display @selection =, [@command1, @command2]) # Command display @selection.x = @x @selection.y = @y @selection.visible = true = true @option =, ["Yes", "No"]) @option.x = @selection.x @option.y = @selection.y @option.visible = false = false @money = @money.x = 360 @money.y = 290 Graphics.transition loop do Graphics.update Input.update update if $scene != self break end end Graphics.freeze @spriteset.dispose @sprite.dispose @dummy_window.dispose @inn_window.dispose @selection.dispose @option.dispose @money.dispose end def update @spriteset.update @sprite.update @dummy_window.update @inn_window.update @selection.update @option.update @money.update if update_selection return end if update_options return end end def update_selection #Return to the map if Input.trigger?(Input::B) $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) $scene = return end #Trigger Selected actions if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) case @selection.index when 0 #Open options @selection.visible = false = false = true @option.visible = true @inn_window .set_text(@set_price) when 1 # Close Options @inn_window .set_text(@goodbye) # Goodbye message display delay(20) # Wait for some frame and close $scene = #Go to map end end end def update_options @value = $ if Input.trigger?(Input::B) $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) = false @option.visible = false = true @selection.visible = true return end if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) if @value < @price $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) @inn_window .set_text(@lessmoney) # Show if money is not enough return end case @option.index when 0 #Heal player @value -= @price $ = @value @money.refresh for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size @actor = $game_party.actors[i] @actor.hp = @actor.maxhp @actor.sp = @actor.maxsp end @inn_window .set_text(@goodbye) # Goodbye message display delay(20) # Wait for some frame and close $scene = #Go to map when 1 # Close Options @inn_window .set_text(@whatnext) = false @option.visible = false = true @selection.visible = true end end end end #End of Class def delay(wait) count = Graphics.frame_count while wait + count >= Graphics.frame_count Graphics.update end end
Download e ficha técnica
- Download (clique com o botão esquerdo do mouse ou toque no link)
- Desenvolvedor, publisher e/ou distribuidor: rpgmaker
- SO: Windows 98/98SE/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7
- Tamanho: 867KB (pacote de instalação e/ou espaço em disco)
- Licença: Grátis
- Categoria: Programação XP
- Tag: RPG Maker XP
- Adicionado por: LichKing
- Acessos: 25
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