Dicas, trapaças e macetes do Streets of Rage 3

Dicas, macetes, trapaças e detonados do Streets of Rage 3 (Bare Kuckle III), o beat 'em up lançado originalmente em 94 para o Mega Drive. Inclui seleção de fases, vidas extras, destravar lutadores secretos etc.

26 de abril de 2021

Neste artigo, reunimos algumas dicas, macetes, trapaças e detonados (em vídeo e em texto) do Streets of Rage 3, o jogo de luta da Sega lançado originalmente em 1994 para o Mega Drive/Genesis.

As manhas – que incluem destravar personagens secretos, vidas extras e seleção de fases – foram testadas apenas nas versões do game do console 16-bit da Sega. Note que algumas delas funcionam só no Bare Knuckle III, a localização japonesa deste beat ’em up.

Pode ser também que estes macetes deem certo nos ports que eventualmente surgiram (iPhone, Linux, Mac, Wii, Windows etc.), embora não possamos garantir.

Fique esperto: os comandos consideram os botões dos controles originais do Mega Drive, não as teclas do seu teclado. Se estiver jogando no emulador, configura os inputs direito aí antes de reclamar.

Ah! Temos também a lista de golpes do Streets of Rage 3, se é o que você está procurando.

Agora, vamos ao que interessa:

Seleção de fases

No menu principal, coloque o cursor sobre “BATTLE” e pressione e segure Botão B + Cima no controle 1 e entre no OPTIONS pressionando Start.

Se fizer certo, vai tocar um efeito sonoro diferente e aparecer o “Stage Select” na tela de Options:

Jogar de dois com o mesmo personagem

Pressione e segure Baixo + Botão C no controle 2 e selecione o modo de dois jogadores (2 PLAYERS, no menu principal) com o controle 1.

Continue extra

Se você morrer após obter pelo menos 10.000 pontos, digite “K W” (deixe o segundo caractere em branco) na tela de entrada de nome e escolha “END”. Se feito corretamente, deve-se ouvir um som confirmando que o truque funcionou.

Selecionar vidas extras

Vá para “OPTIONS” e deixe o cursor sobre a opção ”LIVES”, no Streets of Rage 3, ou “PLAYERS”, no Bare Knuckle III.

Daí, pressione Cima + A + B + C no controle 2 e pressione Esquerda ou Direita no controle 1 para selecionar o número de vidas com as quais você pode iniciar o jogo.

Se fizer certo, poder-se-á selecionar até 9 vidas, em vez do máximo padrão de 5:

Jogar com Ash

Na versão japonesa (Bare Knuckle 3), derrote o Ash, daí segure o Botão A no controle 1. Depois de perder todas as suas vidas, use um continue, ou pressione Start no controle 2, que você poderá selecionar Ash como seu personagem. Algumas fontes dizem que precisa de segurar o código até a fase terminar.

Na versão americana do jogo, entre com o código BAWA-AAA0 no Game Genie para jogar com o pederasta.

Jogar com Shiva

Depois de derrotar Shiva no primeiro estágio, quando você der o último golpe, pressione e segure B + Start. Quando a tela de continue aparecer, poderá jogar como Shiva. Embora ele seja mais fraco do que é no Streets of Rage 2, ele tem um combo infinito que pode ser bastante útil.

Jogar com Roo

Na tela de título (não no menu principal), segure Cima + B e pressione Start. Se fizer certo, um canguru chamado Roo estará disponível na tela de seleção de personagens, tanto no modo de 1 como no de 2 jogadores.

Alternativamente, também pode desbloqueá-lo derrotando o subchefe do Estágio 3 sem matar o Roo. Na próxima vez que você usar continuar, Roo estará disponível. É como se ele ficasse grato por você detonar o seu cruel treinador e te ajudasse em sua missão:

Jogar com o Super Skate

Escolha o Skate. Assim que o primeiro nível começar, perca sua primeira vida sem marcar nenhum ponto. Você agora será o Super Skate, que tem um ataque comum bem mais rápido e um combo muito mais poderoso que o normal.

Jogar com o Super Zan

Na tela “SELECT PLAYER”, segure o Botão C em ambos os controles ao selecionar Zan e mantenha-os pressionados até a partida iniciar*. Se fizer certo, você vai começar com o Super Zan, e ele é bem mais forte que o normal, com golpe normal mais rápido etc.

*Pode apertar Start para skippar as cutsenes/diálogos, mas sem soltar os Botões C.

Jogar com o Super Axel

Só tem como jogar com o Super Axel na versão japonesa (Bare Knuckle III) e achei quatro procedimentos, embora não tenha testado todos eles:

  • Obtenha 10.000 pontos e deixe os inimigos acabarem com você. Na tela de entrada de nome, digite “SUP” e finalize escolhendo “END”. Se feito corretamente, você deve ouvir um som confirmando que o código do truque funcionou. Selecione Axel novamente e ele executará socos e chutes mais rápidos. Essa eu testei e garanto que funciona.
  • Pressione C para selecionar um jogador, então rapidamente segure A e mova o direcional em um círculo no sentido horário até que Axel apareça. Em seguida, pressione A. Isso é bem difícil de fazer.
  • Execute o código Super Axel (girando o direcional de quatro a sete vezes no sentido horário), obtenha 10.000 pontos e deixe os inimigos acabarem com você. Na tela de entrada de nome, digite “H M” (deixe o segundo caractere em branco) e escolha “END”. Se feito corretamente, vai ouvir um som confirmando que o código do truque funcionou. Selecione Axel novamente e ele executará chutes mais rápidos.
  • Para obter o Super Axel, certifique-se de ter um controle de 6 botões. Escolha Axel e comece o jogo. Comece a tocar no Botão X repetidamente e mova o direcional no sentido anti-horário (se você tiver um controle turbo, pode manter o Botão X pressionado). Continue fazendo isso até começar o primeiro nível. Não pare até depois de dar um soco giratório seguido por um uppercut saltand. Agora pressione o Botão A. Se feito corretamente, Axel dará um soco giratório seguido por seu dragão. Este movimento é tremendamente poderoso. Ele causa danos obscenos, derruba todos os inimigos e não consome energia vital. No entanto, você não é invencível durante este movimento e perderá seus outros especiais.

Ataques Power Rush

Tá ligado naquele ataque que você ativa pressionando duas vezes pros lados + ataque normal? Então, ele é regido por um sistema de estrelas: para ganhar uma estrela, um personagem deve obter 40.000 pontos sem morrer para obter uma estrela. E pode ganhar uma segunda, se conseguir outras 40.000, até que 3 estrelas tenham sido obtidas. Portanto, é possível ganhar até duas estrelas após um nível, se a dificuldade for difícil o bastante. As estrelas aumentarão o poder de seu ataque precipitado.

Entretanto, existe uma forma mais fácil de executar os golpes dos níveis superiores se você tiver um controle de seis botões. Basta usar um dos comandos a seguir para um Power Rush de nível 1, 2 ou 3:

Personagem	Nível 1			Nivel 2			Nível 3
Axel		X, Frente, Frente	X, Baixo, Frente	X, Trás, Baixo, Frente
Blaze		X, Frente, Frente	X, Frente, Cima		X, Baixo, Frente, Cima
Skate		X, Frente, Frente	X, Frente, Baixo	X, Cima, Frente, Trás
Zan		X, Frente, Frente	X, Trás, Cima		X, Cima, Trás, Frente

Combo infinito de Shiva

Se estiver jogando com Shiva (saiba como), você pode bater no oponente repetidamente até que ele morra sem que ele seja capaz de escapar de você, pressionando toda hora que quiser fazer isso Z em num controle de 6 botões ou B + C num controle de 3 botões.

Essa manha funcionará em qualquer oponente, exceto aqueles que podem bloquear e os chefes (excluindo Jet).

Como não levar dano por queda

Depois de ser arremessado por um inimigo, é possível evitar sofrer danos da queda segurando Cima e o botão de Salto enquanto cai até aterrissar. Seu personagem deve cair de pé e não sofrer nenhum dano. Isso é muito útil ao lutar contra inimigos como Signals e Ninjas.

Inimigos batem, mas não você não pode ser atingido

Na segunda parte do Estágio 4: Underground Entrance onde você precisa derrotar muitos ninjas e tem algumas seções onde pode ficar para não ser derrotado. Se ficar entre os trilhos do trem e dentro da seção, os inimigos tentarão acertá-lo, mas você não sofrerá nenhum dano.

Use a sombra do seu personagem para garantir que está no lugar certo ou pode tentar acertar alguém. Se estiver no cinza e não puder dar um soco, então você está no lugar certo. Se apenas ficar parado e deixar os ninjas tentando te atingir, eventualmente eles serão mortos pelo trem, então só precisa ficar parado e esperar.

Passagens secretas

No Estágio 5, na primeira sala com todos os ninjas, existem três rotas secretas que se pode seguir além da normal. Você pode acessá-las matando todos os inimigos aqui. Estes quartos têm mais itens do que os quartos normais. O caminho para chegar aos quartos é o seguinte:

  1. Acima da porta por onde você segue sua rota normal, há uma parede branca à sua frente com rachaduras perto do topo. Dê um soco para acessar a Secret Route 1.
  2. Na parte inferior da tela está um segredo muito improvável que a maioria nem imagina que existe. Vá para a parte central inferior desta sala e dê alguns socos. Você acabará fazendo um buraco no chão que o leva ao porão do Estágio 5 e também à Secret Route 2.
  3. Vá para o topo da tela e até as paredes vermelhas. Há uma certa parede vermelha com algumas rachaduras. Dê um soco para acessar a Secret Route3. Há muitos inimigos aqui, então, tome cuidado.

Itens secretos

No Estágio 1, na Warehouse Area, literalmente na primeira tela da partida, vá para a parte inferior esquerda da região com a visão bloqueada pelos caixotes e pressione o botão de ataque na área. Você receberá 5000 pontos e uma vidinha extra:

No Construction Site, no Estágio 3, no canto inferior esquerdo, logo atrás dos blocos brancos, pode-se obter uma vida extra pressionando B nessa área.

No Estágio 7, (City Hall), há muitos itens ocultos. Tente pressionar o botão de ataque comum em áreas com visão bloqueada por postes de luz, vasos de flores etc.


Caso não saiba, o SOR 3 tem finais diferentes. Abaixo, segue o que você tem que fazer para obtê-los:

  • Para o Final 1, resgate com sucesso o Chief no Estágio 6 antes que sua saúde acabe. Então, no final do Estágio 7, derrote o Robô Y antes que o tempo limite se esgote. Esse é o final verdadeiro.
  • Para ver o Final 2, resgate o Chief antes que sua saúde acabe no Estágio 6. Então, no Estágio 7, derrote o Robô Y, mas deixe o tempo limite acabar.
  • Para o Final 3, deixe a saúde do Chief acabar no Estágio 6. Quando você for ao Estágio 7, verá que ele mudou. Faça isso até o último chefe e derrote-o.
  • Para o Final 4, o mais fácil, simplesmente escolha o nível de dificuldade Easy e vença o Robot X no Estágio 5.

Guia e detonado em texto

Abaixo, segue um guia e detonado do Streets of Rage 3 feito pelo I c h i r o (Guide and Walkthrough by I c h i r o). O texto está muito bem feito e detalhado, e o cara é gente boa e não fica amarrando de copiar, mas está em inglês:

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O           F            R           A           G           E 


AN FAQ BY RADITZ-SAN 2 (Listed as Magician Type 0)
You can contact me via AOL Instant Messanger with the username
Son Raditz II
Version 1
LAST UPDATE 18:41 02/08/01
Look, it's 2001, and I've decided I don't give a damn.  Just 
leave my name on it and it's yours.

0. About Stuff
 1. About This FAQ
 2. About this Game
 3. About the author
1. Walkthrough
 1. Before you start
 2. Stage 1
 3. Stage 2
 4. Stage 3
 5. Stage 4
 6. Stage 5
 7. Stage 6
 8. Stage 7

0-1. About this FAQ
The other day I was looking at the top 10 Genesis games, and
saw Streets of Rage 3.  I clicked and looked at the FAQs.  I
felt although they were good, I could probably write a more
comprehensive FAQ.  So that's why you're reading this.

0-2. About this Game
Streets of Rage 3 is a sidescolling beat em up.  I tend to
prefer Dynamite Cop, but SoR3 is superb.

0-3. About the author
Me.... me.  I like writing FAQs, don't like RPGs, and like
arcade-y games.  Hence, I'm the perfect author for this FAQ.

1. Walkthrough
Let's face it, you couldn't care less about me or why this FAQ
exists, you want the walkthrough.  Well, here it is.

1-1. Before you start

I have learned from a new friend, Dr. Zan, that the syndicate
is back with a clever new plan to take control of the city by
replacing top-ranking officials with idectical robots under
the control of Mr. X.

Our old boss, the chief of police, has dissappeared and
everybody in the city is preoccupied with the recent state of
bomb explosions.
I fear that the syndicate's evil plan is already under way
[sic].  Adam is too busy to help [author's note: GAH!], but
his brother Skate is joining Dr. Zan and me to try and get
behind the bombing campaign and expose the real danger in the

We need your help, Axel.  Please come.

                                                 Your Partner,

Check the Options Screen, there's all kinds of cool stuff.
|Highlight the Lives option.  As you know the Mmaximum is 5.|
|However, if you press UP+A+B+C on Controller 2 you'll be   |
|able to go up to 9 lives.                                  |
1-2. Stage 1
"Skate: Phew!  That was close.  Another few seconds and... 
Blaze: Yes, we're lucky we found the bomb.  What's our next
move, Axel?
Axel: Well, Zan was right about the bomb.  Maybe's he's right
about the robots too.  But I'll have to see it to believe it.
Let's try to get a lead from the punks.
Zan: I'm sorry you don't beleive me, Axel, but there's no time
to waste.  Let's go!"

From the right three guys with long hair will appear and from
the left a guy with long hair and a pirate.  They're all
wusses anyway, so no matter.  Press on.  Four ugly women will
emerge from in front of the red light.  They're nothing 
special.  After you defeat them, a long hair guy will emerge
from where they came from.  Press on after taking him out
and another ugly woman will come from your right and a pirate
from where all the other enemies just came from.  Moving right
a bit you'll find another ugly woman.  Then from the same spot
there will be a thug in blue, a long haired thug, and a 
pirate.  While you're fighting the pirate, a shirtless guy 
will come from the right.  Press on and from under the three
chains three pirates will emerge, one at a time.  Then from
where there's one chain, another one will emerge.  If you get
grabbed make sure you do your special.  Move on.  See that
guy on the blue crate in blue?  He's going to jump down when
you walk by.  It's a good idea to walk to where he is then
walk left a bit so he can't hit you.  There are two crates
you can smash at the bottom of the screen, one of which 
contains a baseball bat.  Walk on.  There's another blue thug
similar to the one you just fought.  If you walk a bit right
you'll see another.  I recomend using that bat as it will
dispatch them in one hit.  Press on a bit and a blue thug
with a knife will run up to you.  Be quick, he's fast.  He
will keep running back and forth until you get him.  Grab his
knife and go right.  Right before you go outside, a shirtless
guy will come from your right.  Use your new knife to take
care of him.  Another guy will come from the right so be sure
to stand in the center of the screen.  There will be one
more shirtless guy.

SUB-BOSS: Macleod and McBride
They both have guns, so don't stop moving.  In and out. Don't
be close to them unless you're hitting them or you're bound to

Now that you're outside, a blue thug and a fat guy will come
through the door.  Take them out quickly.  A shirtless thug
will come from the left and a blue one from the right.  Under
the left stack of tires is a sword, under the right stack is
a dagger.  Two fat guys come from the right, use your sword
on them.  Move right and two blue thugs will come from the
door.  Move right again and two fat guys will come from the
door.  When you move right go to the top of the screen unless
you want to be hit by two freaks on motorcycles.  There's
an apple under the tires.  Be careful when you go right
because the bikers are back, covering the top and bottom of
the screen.  Contiunue right.  See that boat?  The shirtless
guy and the green thug jump out of it to assail you.  After
taking them out a biker will come down the middle of the 
screen.  Then two more bikers from the top and bottom of the
screen.  Another two bikers from the top and bottom then two
in the middle.  Then you will see another boat.  Two shirtless
guys and a green thug will have at you.  Two spiky haired
guys will come from your left and two from your right.  Two
more will aprroach from the right while you're duking it out
with them.  Go right more and a green thug will approach from
either side of you.  Another boat will drop off two shirtless
and one green thug.  Move on.  There's a turkey under the
tires.  Go right more.  There's nothing under the next set
of tires, but a boat does come along.  Two blue and two green
thugs have at you.  Another boat drops off four shirtless
guys.  The one in green is faster and has more health than
the others.  You'll move to the next part of this stage.

Under the barrel you'll find a bag of money.  Move right and
a green thug will appear  There's a cat in the dumpster. :Þ
A shirtless thug approaches from the left.  Move right and
you'll find a green thu, a shirtless thug, and and electric
thug.  The latter is unpleasant at best.  Also, another
shirtless thug apporaches from the left.  Another electric
thug will approach from your left.  Another electric thug
will come from the right.

BOSS: Shiva
Don't jump at him.  Move in and out and don't be near him if
you're not hitting him.  The top barrel has a turkey in it.
If you're about to die be sure to use your specials on him. :Þ
Also note that you can't escape his hold with your special
like you can with normal enemies, so don't get caught in his
hold. :Þ  A throw is a good idea too.
|Hold be from when you defeat Shiva up to when the next level|
|starts to unlock him.                                       |


1-3. Stage 2
"Skate: I can't beleive it.  No one told me a thing.  
Zan: We're wasting time fighting these punks.
Blaze: I think I have an idea of where to go now.
Zan: I hope you're right"

This looks just like stage 1 of SoR1.  :Þ  Regardless, it's
time to kick some more buttocks. :Þ  Under the sign you'll
find a grenade.  Then bikers will cover the top and middle
of the screen.  Then bikers at the top and bottom, then at
the middle, then the middle and bottom.  A green biker will
continue going back and forth until you get him.  Then a 
spiky haired punk will appear from the right.  There will
also be another biker who won't go away.  Then two spiky
haired punks from the right and two from the left.  Bikers
will cover the top and bottom and then one will cover the
middle.  A spiky haired and purple punk will be waiting for
you when you go right.  A purple thug will come from your
left before you can even start the fight with the thugs on
your right.  A shirtless thug will come from the left.  Go
right.  Under the sign there is a bag of cash.  A purple and
two spiky haired thugs come from the right while another spiky
haired thug coems from the left.  Of course right when you're
about to finish that moronic group another spiky haired thug
comes from your right.  Go right a bit.  Punch away the sign
and grab the apple.  The next sign has nothing under it.

SUB BOSS: Roo and Bruce
Really just like regular thugs with more health
|Kill Bruce but not Roo.  Roo will run away and become       |
|playable.                                                   |

That was actually rather easy.  The next part of the stage
will begin with three ugly women at your right.   Three more
will quickly come from the right to join the fight.  Watch
out for their slap attack, which does a lot of damage.  Keep
in mind they're pretty weak but when they're in the dark they
become very dangerous.  When you finish that two spiky haired
dudes approach from both sides.  Another will come from the
left to join the fight.  When you go right you'll see a blue
and shirtless thug.  Anyways, keep going right until you
encounter a trio of spiky haired thugs.  When you approach
the rightmost one he will wake up and two more spiky haired
thugs will join him from the right.  Then a blue haired thug
will come from both sides.  While you're fighting two more
spiky haired thugs will come from the right side of the
screen.  A shirtless thug will drop down from above during
the fight.  After everyone is taken care of another shirtless
thug drops down.  When you continue right another shirtless
thug will be waiting.  Four blue thugs will join him from
the left.  Another two will come from the left and another
shirtless thug from the right.  A blue thug with a knife will
drop down and an electric thug will come from the left.  When
you defeat the knife thug he'll drop two knives (?).  When
you continue right there will be a turkey under the table.  
There's nothing under the next table.

At the beginning of the next section there's a turkey which..
doesn't help you at all right now since your health was
just restored.  Walk up to the light to start the boss fight.

BOSS: Mona and Lisa
It's almost impossible to get any licks in on them.  I
suggest simply using specials until you die.  Roo's specials
are especially helpful.  Make sure when one gets down you
jump so you aren't hit with their electric attack.  Another
strategy is to jump kick, though this doesn't seem to work
well with Roo.  If you get close, be sure to throw them.  When
they use their electric attack you can get a good jump kick 
in.  They seem to slow down when one is vanquished, too...


1-4. Stage 3
You'll automatically run up to a blue thug, a fat thug, and
a shirtless thug.  Watch out, because just to the left of them
barrels are falling.  While you're fighting the trio of thugs
A teal thug comes from the left.  When he's about halfway
across the screen another teal thug comes from the right.  
When you continue right a spiky haired and long haired thug.
Also, a pirate will come from your left.  Two spiky haired
thugs will come from the left and one from the right.  A
pirate will also come from the right.  ANOTHER pirate will
come from the right while you're fighting.  Continue right.
Under the sign above the pit there's a grenade.  Continue 
right.  Watch between the pits, because barrels are falling.
If you want to chance it there's a turkey under the sign, but
you must hurry or the barrels will knock you right into the
pit.  Continue right to see an electric thug and a blue thug
will approach from the left.  There's a knife under the sign,
but barrels are falling in the area.  Two more electric thugs
come from the left.  A purple thug will come from the left.  
Under the left sign here is a turkey.  The other sign has
nothing to offer.  A shirtless thug will fall from the right
side of the screen.  Another will drop from the left side.  
A blue thug and an elecric thug come from the left.  This is
especially difficult because there's a pit on the far right
side of the screen.  Many more enemies will come from the left
so be ready for the onslaught.  When the black thug comes 
from the left, be ready for two electric thugs to drop from
the right.  They have a bit more health than normal. 

Go right, and destroy the walls as you go.  Be sure to hit
the dozer to keep it away.  If it's about to hit you use your
special.  You'll actually lose less health that way.  Go past
the bar, and the guy will run into a pole, and the level will
be over.

Two long haired thugs and one pirate will come from the left
right away, as well as an ugly woman from the right.  You can
fall off into the right.  The left barrel contains a turkey,
the right one is empty.  When you go up, two ugly women, a
long haired thug, and a pirate will appear on the left side.
Stay near the right edge until they're all there.  Remember
that if you get caught in a slap attack you can always use
your special.  As the elevator goes right, a green and 
shirtless thug come from the left and an ugly woman drops from
the right.  Be sure to make the shirtless thug drop his lead
pipe.  Use it.  While you're fighting an ugly woman drops from
the right.  When you go up four guys will drop down.  Two of
them are shirtless thugs and two blue ones, one of whom has
a knife.  Get it from him.  When you move left, two electric
thugs and one shirtless will drop down from the right side of
the screen.  A blue thug with a knife will come from the left.
Another shirtless thug will come from the left.  Another
electric thug will drop down from the right side of the
screen.  Another electric thug comes from the left side of the
screen.  A dragon guy with a thing on his pants will
drop down from the middle.  Also from the middle, two
shirtless thugs, a blue thug with a knife, and another dragon
guy.  Someone drops a lead pipe.  Continue right.  When you
see the two barrels, punch the right one to get a turkey.

BOSS: Axel
I thought he was on your side?  I guess he replaced Ash...
gah, American censorship... NOT what the framers had in mind.
In any event, stay away from him.  Jump kick when he tries to
jump.  If he's about to hit, special.  There is absolutely NO
sense in getting hit.  When he turns orange he will become
much more aggressive.  Be ready to lose some life... :[  Every
time he changes color he becomes more violent.  When he turns
red he's damn near impossible.  And... surprise!  He's a 


1-5. Stage 4
"Axel: A robot that looked just like me!
Skate: So, it seems you're right, Dr. Zan.  Now tell us why
you're helping us.  That robot nearly killed us.  How do we
know this isn't a trap?
Zan: It might be a trap, but I didn't set it! 
Blaze: Skate, how can you accuse Dr. Zan! [sic]  Without his
help we would know nothing.  I trust Dr. Zan.  Please 
apologize to him.
Axel: Stop arguing and look over here! [Picture of a door] 
This concealed door has been used recently."

Alright, wuss.  The enemies are getting stronger, faster,
and more prolific.  Right off the bat, 2 pirates will come
from the left, one from the right, and a long haired punk from
the right.  Another long haired goon will join from the left
in the middle of the fight.  See those train tracks?  Avoid
them because trains come down.  Two more pirates will come 
from the right.  Go right until you come up to the blue goon
next to the apple.  Another two pirates will come from the
left and another from the right.  Another pirate will join
the fight from the left.  An orange goon will come from the
left.  Another orange goon will come from the right.  Once
they're all taken care of, a shirtless guy will come from both
sides and in addition a blue goon from the right.  After that
two pirates will come from both sides.  While this is going
on two more pirates will join the mayhem from the right.  
Press on until you see the blue goons waiting atop some sort
of ledge. They're like the blue goons who jumped down at the
begining of the game.  Also, when the last blue goon jumps,
two blue goons and one green goon will drop down from the
right side of the screen.  Another blue goon will join from
the right side of the screen.  After you're done with them two
spiky haired goons will come from the right and two more spiky
haired goons from the left.  A shirtless thug will join from
the right.  Three green goons with machettes will come from 
the right when he's finished.  Then three more spiky haired
creeps come from the right.... those machettes could be 
useful. :Þ  Another shirtless dude joins from the right.  In
the middle of this fight a shirtless thug joins from the 
right.  In addition, another machette-wielding green dude
drops down from the right side of the screen.  Another green
goon will drop down from the right and pick up any loose 
machettes.. gah!  When you finally do go right two ugly women
will attack from the right and one from the left.  Go right
after defeating them to find a turkey.  There will be two
electric thugs.  While you're dealing with an ugly woman will
come from both sides.  Another ugly woman comes from the left
during the fight.  When they're almost finished another ugly
woman will join from the left and an electric thug from the
right.  And while you're dealing with them ANOTER electric
goon will join from the right.  While you're dealing with them
two more ugly women will join from the right.  Another ugly
woman from the right and you're out of this level.

You'll immediately notice the two ninjas.  Go right to the
turkey and another ninja will jump in from the left side of
the screen.  After he's gone four ninjas will come from the
left.  Sometimes they drop kunai.  After they're finished
another ninjan will come from the left.  Another will come
from the right.  After that a ninja with a sword will come 
from the left side of the screen, along with two of his
cronies.  After they're finsihed another ninja will come from
the right.  Take him down and go right to find three more.  
After they're done another one will come from the right side
of the screen.  When you go right you'll find another one,
this time with a sword.  Another one will jump from the right.
Then guys will come from both sides at you.  Another one will
join from the right.  Then one from each side again, one with
a sword.  Another from each side.  

BOSS: Yamato, Yamato, and Yamato
1. Under the left statue is a turkey.  Be sure to kick away 
his stars.  Try to get near him as he throws his stars.  Also,
if he does the crescent attack, special him before he hits 

2. Pretty much the same.  However, this guy can be thrown.
Also, when he does the split crescent attack, stand between
the two of him.  

3. Again, pretty much the same.  However, when he does his 
dash attack just go up or down.  For the invisible attack the
best line of defense is to get under/over him.  If you're
close when tries to start, he'll begin to back up.  Corner
him and he'll just jump away instead of doing it.


1-6. Stage 5
"Axel: This must be the syndicate's hideout.  Do you recognize
this place, Zan?
Zan: No, I've never been here before.  
Axel: Let's press on and see what we find."

Three ninjas will drop down from the right side of the screen
and one from the left.  Still another will drop down from the
middle.  While this is happening another will drop down from
the right side of the screen.  Move right until you are near
door and a guy will drop down right behind you.  After he's
dispatched, walk up to the door.  You'll automatically
destroy it.  

As soon as you enter the next area you'll see a 1 UP in the
upper right corner.  A dragon guy will drop down behind you
as soon As you move right and three more drop down near the
1 UP.  Both the things around the 1 UP conceal cash.  Deal
with these idiots and go right.  You'll automatically break
the door.

In the next part a dragon guy drops down from the right side
of the screen.  Advance towards him a bit and another guy
will drop down behind you.  Inc ase you haven't noticed by
now if you keep hitting them they'll do nothing.  Of course
when you start fighting another one drops down.  And right
after that another dragon guy drops down in the middle.  
When you're done with them go right and another dragon guy 
will drop down on the middle right side of the screen.  Then
two more will drop down from the middle left and another from
the middle right.  

In the next part you'll quickly be ambushed.  A shirtless guy
come from the left and two turqoise thugs from the right.
There's an apple under the top statue.  During the fight
another shirtless guy comes from the left.  Go right a bit to
be uncountered by a fat guy, a blue goon, and two turqoise
goons.  Move right and another turqoise thug will join.  A
shirtless guy comes from the left during this madness.  A
shirtless goon will come from the left and a turqoise goon
from the middle right with a knife.  Move right a bit.  A fat
guy will come from the right side of the screen.  Two purple
guys will come from the left side of the screen, and a purple
guyand a shirtless guy will come from the right side of the
screen.  If he's alone the fat guy will get the ability to
spit fire (!).  When you're prompted to move right three 
dragon guys will come from the left and one from the right.  
After one is finished another dragon guy will join from the
left.  If you move right to the statues you will find the left
statue conceals a turkey.  Once that's taken care of a spiky
haired goon and another dragon guy will come from the
elevator.  When you're ready to fight them another spiky
haired goon appears.  When they're just about finished three
spiky haired goons come from the left.  

I don't think I need to explain the next area to you.  Just
grab the bat and bash everyone who comes out of the door.
Watch the far right and middle left though, as dragon guys
will drop down.

When the elecator goes up, that's when I can help.  Get on
one of the extreme sides of the elevator, because three guys
will drop from the middle, a black thug with a knife, a blue
thug with a knife, and a shirtless thug with a knife.  There's
also a turkey in that box, which you just might need.  After
they are finished, get in the middle, because a blue thug
will come from the right and a shirtless one from the left.
When one is gone get to either side because two electric thugs
drop right down the middle.  Another drops when you take out
the other guy there.  When it goes up a pirate comes out of
the door and from both sides an electric thug drops down.  A
long haired thug comes out of the door.  When the elevator 
goes up get low on the screen because an electric thug will
drop from either side and an ugly woman from the middle.  A
few moments after they drop down another ugly woman drops from
the left.  A bit after that an ugly woman drops from the 
right.  About 20 seconds after that another ugly woman drops
down from the right.  About 30 seconds after that another ugly
woman drops from the right.  

"Axel: Mr. X!
Mr. X: Welcome to my humble abode.  I've been expecting you
for some time.  Tell me, Axel, what kept you?  
Axel: Enough of your games!  What's going on?
Mr. X: I am replacing the current city administration with
some more dependable subjects starting with the chief
of police.  
Axel: What have you done with him?
Mr. X: Relax.  He is in a safe place awaiting your rescue
attempt.  Why don't you come and join me?"

All this next part is is an endless onslaught from both sides.
You don't need my help, you need MAD SKILLZ!  :Þ

BOSS: Robot X
There is a very simple strategy to this Boss.  JUMP KICK 
BEFORE he can do anything.  If he gets close to you and starts
doing serious dammage just attack.  Also, his homing rockets
won't hurt you if you punch them.  Easier than Shiva, IMO.
However, don't grab him or stay close to him.  He has two very
damaging attacks to remind you.  


1-7. Stage 6
"Robot X: I see you continue to destroy what I create.  It is
obvious you will not join the syndicate so I have no further
use for the chief of police.  You will not defeat my other
robots so easily, Dr. Zan knows this model was an early
Zan: He's right, Axel.  We must rescue the Chief of
Police before the robot version appears in public."

If you enjoy beating up robots that are almost impossible to
hit, this stage is for you.  If you don't, it's not.  Right
off the bat three robots will jump in from the left.  Go left
a bit, till you find two boxes.  The left one conceals a
plank.  That could be useful.  Anyhow, beat up the robots.  Go
into the elevator.  Hit the down switch.  Go right.  Turn
around after a while and take out the gun guys.  Go thorugh
the middle door.  Some enemies will join you in that room
after a while from the left.  Destroy the switch.  When you're
done there you will automatically leave.  Get rid of the gun
guys again and run to the elevator.  Hit the down switch again
Go into the middle door again to find a room that is similar
and has the same purpose.  After that switch is destroyed,
run to the elevator, hit up, and go right until you find the
chief.  I'm not sure what happens if you DON'T save the
chief's life, but get to him.  Of course if you do, email me.
I'd be eternally grateful and I'll be sure to give you
recognition.  Also, if there's a different dialogue for if the
gas doesn't start spraying, I'd like to hear it.

"Dr. Zan: Thank goodness you're alive.  
Chief: I feel weak but I am unharmed.
Blaze: Chief, it's really good to see you again.
Chief: Blaze, I'm glad you're still in shape.  I have no idea
why I was kidnapped.  Does it have anything to do with the
Dr. Zan: There's no time to explain, Sir.  You must get back
to city hall, immediately.  
Chief: You're right.  I have a press conference in an hour."

When you start, go to the upper right corner to get a turkey.

Hrm.  Constantly jump kick.  Also, if they lunge or fly at you
jump kick.  If they're too close to hit, special.  Another
thing, avoid those rockets they have float.  When Jet, starts
doing the flamethrower move, special.  Oh, and if you get
thrown... gah.  There's no point to hitting rockets unless
they come at you since there's an infinite amount.


"Adam: Well, well, well.  If it isn't the old gang in trouble 
Blaze: Adam!
Adam: I got your message, Blaze.  Somehow I thought I might
find you here."

"Axel: Adam, you must get the Chief to City Hall.
Adam: Why?  What's all the hurry?  He's safe now, and should
get some rest first.  
Axel: Mr. X has created a robot effigy of the Chief that will
speak to the public at the press conference.  
Adam: I see.  We must get the real Chief there before the
robot so he can explain the danger and clear your name."

1-8. Stage 7
Right away three ninjas drop down from the middle and a biker
comes from the right lower part of the screen.  One ninja
drops a muramata.  The box hides a kusanagi.  Do NOT step into
the metal circle, it's a trap.  Go right a bit, and a ninja
will come from the left.  Go right some more.  The box hides a
grenade.  Continue right.  Bikers will from the bottom,
middle, bottom, middle, top, bottom, middle, bottom, middle,
bottom.  The next biker will continue going through the middle
until you take him out.  A ninja will drop from the left, 
bikers will come from the left and bottom.  The bikers won't
go away until you destroy them.  Four ninjas will drop from
the right side of the screen.  Go right to find two robots
from the right, a ninja dropping from the left, and a robot
from the left.  Go right a bit and another robot will come
from the right.  The box hides and apple.  During this fight
another robot will come from the left.  Go right, beware the
trap.  A ninja will drop down from the right.  There's another
trap nearby.  Also, if you go right to the point of the box
another ninja will jumpo out of the bushes on the right.  He
wields a kusanagi.  When you go right, robots will come from
both sides.  There's also a trap right before the pavement.  
During the fight, a robot will come from both sides.

In the next area, cyborgs will continually come from the 
right.  The box hides some gold.  When the arrows appears you
can go right.  A robot will come from the right.  Go right a
bit more.  Two robots will come from the left and another from
the right.  A robot and a gun guy will come from the left.
Shortly after another robot and another gun guy will come from
the right.  After a while another robot will come from the
right.  Shortly after that, two more robots come from the
left.  Go right.  Another three gun goons will come from the 
right.  When you reach the boxes, punch the left one for
apples.  When you're about done with the gun guys a robot will
come from both sides.  Two more robots will arrive shortly
after.  Go right.  Near the end of that ramp you'll find a
Rocket and two robots.  The left box here has a bar of gold,
the middle a turkey.  

BOSS: Dr. Dahm
Stay away from the claw.  When it drops down, nail it.  Don't
touch the green lasers, you'll be electrocuted if you do.  
After the claw is broken, you have to wait until the claw
starts steaming to hit it.  

"Brain: Dr. Dahm was the key to my plan.  Now that you've
destroyed my robot factory, the city will pay for your 
meddling, big time.
Axel: Mr. X!  Don't you ever give up?  You're helpless.
Brain: That's where you're wrong, handsome one.  My loyal 
followers in the syndicate have planted bombs throughout the
city primed to denonate within the hour.  Even you will not
be able to stop mass destruction.  
Dr. Zan: Face it, Mr. X.  Dr. Dahm is no longer with you.  Do
you expect to run the city from a glass phial?  
Brain: Yes, traitor.  Let me show you how."

BOSS: Robot Y
Gah, constanly jump kick and special until the cows come home.


"Skate: We didn't manage to defeat him in time.  
Axel: It's possible Adam found and defused the bombs.  
Skate: But he didn't know where they were, Axel.  
Brain: You may have defeated me, but I won't die alone!  
Sadly, you will not witness the result of my efforts.
Dr Zan: He has activated the self-destruct sequence.
Skate: We've go to get out of here.  Now.
Axel: We can't let Mr. X beat us now.  Look for a way out
Blaze: I can't find a way out- all of the doors are locked.
Axel.  Skate.  Zan.  What are we going to do?
Skate: Gulp.  I think we've had it.
Adam: Hey, little brother.  You don't think I'd let you die,
do you?
Skate: Adam.  Are we glad to see you.  Get us out of here,

The screen pans out and you see a large explosion.

"The syndicate's headquarters and robot factory were destroyed
in the explosion and the team managed to escape in Adam's 
helicopter.  But Mr. X succeeded in leaving his mark on the
city.  The destructive force of the bomb explosions killed
many people and wrecked many buildings.  It will take a very
long time to repair the damage caused to the fabric of the
city and the confidence of those citizens who trusted the
forces of good to look after them."

"Brain: I'm dying.  Please help me.
Skate: Are you kidding?
Brain: Well if I die, you die.  Good-bye [sic].
Axel: This guy never gives up.  Let's get out of here.
Skate: The place is going to blow up.
Dr. Zan: He has activated the self destruct sequence.  We must
hurry or we will die.
Blaze: I can't find a way out- all the doors are locked.
Axel.  Skate.  Zan.  What are we going to do?
Skate: Gulp.  I think we've had it.
Adam: Hey little brother.  You don't think I'd let you die, do
Skate: Adam.  Are we glad to see you.  Get us out of here,

The screen pans out to an explosion

"The syndicate's headquarters and robot factory were destroyed
in the explosion.  Using Adam's police helicopter, the team
managed to locate and defuse all the bombs planted by Mr. X.
Dr. Dahm informed the polic of all the city officials who had
been kidnapped whereupon their robot duplicates were destroyed
and the real officials returned to their posts.  Dr. Dahm was
placed in an asylum where he is said to be doing well.  Dr.
Zan was pardoned by the city for his role in the overthrow of
the syndicate.  The team spent some time together in the city
and then went their seperate ways"

In this ending you'll see the credits.

??? I'm not sure.  I'd appreciate it if you told me how to get
it and even more grateful if you told me what it said.

That's it.  It's all over.  And in the first version!  :Þ

Detonado em vídeo

Pra deixar mais completo e nostálgico, meti também um vídeo do canal World of Longplays que mostra o Bare Knuckle 3 sendo detonado do ínicio ao fim por SmokeFrostHeart em duas playthroughs, uma com o Axel e outra com Victy (Roo) e Shiva. Tem o final 2 também:

Note que a partida pode ou nào ter sido zerada com a ajuda de save states.

Por enquanto é só isso mesmo.

Este foi um daqueles posts que deu muito trabalho pra fazer, mas valeu muito a pena.

Como sempre, convido-lhe a participar e ajudar o post ficar cada vez mais completo, enviando suas próprias dicas e trapaças do Streets of Rage 3, além de complementações, correções ou dúvidas, aí nos comentários. Também, se eu ficar sabendo de mais alguma manha nova, atualizo aqui.

Espero que ajude o/

Mais Streets of Rage

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