Quick Treasure Chest [RPG Maker XP]
Publicado em 25 de agosto de 2016.Quick Treasure Chest é um script para o RPG Maker XP criado pelo SephirothSpawn que foi desenvolvido para permitir que o usuário crie facilmente tesouros para ganhar gold, itens, armas armaduras ou qualquer outra combinação. Ele cria uma pequena janela que mostra os itens ganhos.
O script é de simples instalação, precisando ser colocado abaixo do “SDK” e acima do “Main”.
Nos comentários do código tem mais informações sobre a sintaxe para os chamados para os tipos de ganho em “Syntax“.
Código do Script
#============================================================================== # ** Quick Treasure Chest #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SephirothSpawn # Version 1 # 2006-07-09 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * Description : # # This script was designed to allow you to make easy treasure chest for # gaining gold, items, weapons, armors or any combination. A small window # will appear displaying gained items. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * Instructions : # # Place The Script Below the SDK and Above Main. # Refer to Syntax for gaining type callings. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * Syntax : # # How to Gain Gold # - Call Script: gain_gold(amount) # # How to Gain Items # - Call Script: gain_items({item_id => n, ...}) # # How to Gain Weapons # - Call Script: gain_weapons({weapon_id => n, ...}) # # How to Gain Armors # - Call Script: gain_armors({armor_id => n, ...}) # # How to Gain Combination # # - Call Script: gold = amount # i = {item_id => n, ...} # w = {weapon_id => n, ...} # a = {armor_id => n, ...} # gain_combined(gold, i, w, a) # # N = number of items to gain #============================================================================== #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * SDK Log Script #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SDK.log('Quick Treasure Chest', 'SephirothSpawn', 1, '2006-07-09') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * Begin SDK Enable Test #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if SDK.state('Quick Treasure Chest') #============================================================================== # ** Window_QuickTreasure #============================================================================== class Window_QuickTreasure < Window_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(kind, items) super(160, 128, 320, 96) item_max = 0 # Finds Item Max items.each do |list| if list.is_a?(Hash) item_max += list.keys.size else item_max += 1 end end # Creates Contents self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, item_max * 32 + 32) self.opacity = 160 refresh(kind, items) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh(kind, items) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 288, 32, 'You Gained the Following Item(s)', 1) self.contents.font.color = normal_color y = 32 case kind when 0 # Just Items items[0].each do |item_id, n| item = $data_items[item_id] next if item.nil? draw_item(y, item, n) y += 32 end when 1 # Just Weapons items[0].each do |weapon_id, n| item = $data_weapons[weapon_id] next if item.nil? draw_item(y, item, n) y += 32 end when 2 # Just Armors items[0].each do |armor_id, n| item = $data_armors[armor_id] next if item.nil? draw_item(y, item, n) y += 32 end when 3 # Money draw_gold(y, items[0]) when 4 # All draw_gold(y, items[3]) y += 32 items[0].each do |item_id, n| item = $data_items[item_id] next if item.nil? draw_item(y, item, n) y += 32 end items[1].each do |weapon_id, n| item = $data_weapons[weapon_id] next if item.nil? draw_item(y, item, n) y += 32 end items[2].each do |armor_id, n| item = $data_armors[armor_id] next if item.nil? draw_item(y, item, n) y += 32 end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Draw Item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_item(y, item, n) icon = RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name) self.contents.blt(4, y + 4, icon, Rect.new(0, 0, 24, 24)) self.contents.draw_text(32, y, 288, 32, item.name) self.contents.draw_text(- 4, y, 288, 32, n.to_s, 2) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Draw Gold #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_gold(y, n) self.contents.draw_text(4, y, 320, 32, 'Gained Gold :') self.contents.draw_text(-4, y, 288, 32, n.to_s, 2) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update if Input.press?(Input::UP) self.oy -= 4 if self.oy > 0 elsif Input.press?(Input::DOWN) self.oy += 4 if self.oy < self.contents.height - 64 end end end #============================================================================== # ** Interpreter #============================================================================== class Interpreter #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Gain Gold #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def gain_gold(amount) $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) $game_party.gain_gold(amount) $scene.auto_item_aquire(3, amount) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Gain Item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def gain_items(items = {}) $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) items.each {|id, n| $game_party.gain_item(id, n)} $scene.auto_item_aquire(0, items) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Gain Weapons #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def gain_weapons(weapons = {}) $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) weapons.each {|id, n| $game_party.gain_weapon(id, n)} $scene.auto_item_aquire(1, weapons) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Gain Armors #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def gain_armors(armors = {}) $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) armors.each {|id, n| $game_party.gain_armor(id, n)} $scene.auto_item_aquire(2, armors) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Gain Combined #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def gain_combined(gold = 0, items = {}, weapons = {}, armors = {}) $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) $game_party.gain_gold(gold) items.each {|id, n| $game_party.gain_item(id, n)} weapons.each {|id, n| $game_party.gain_weapon(id, n)} armors.each {|id, n| $game_party.gain_armor(id, n)} $scene.auto_item_aquire(4, gold, items, weapons, armors) end end #============================================================================== # ** Scene_Map #============================================================================== class Scene_Map #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias Listings #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias seph_autoaqitem_scnmap_update update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update # If Item Aquired Window On unless @autotreasure_window.nil? update_auto_treasure return end # Original Update Method seph_autoaqitem_scnmap_update end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update : Auto Treasure Window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_auto_treasure # Update Map, System, Screen, Spriteset & Windows $game_map.update $game_system.map_interpreter.update $game_system.update $game_screen.update @spriteset.update @message_window.update @autotreasure_window.update # If C Button is Pressed if Input.trigger?(Input::C) # Delete Item Aquired Windows @autotreasure_window.dispose @autotreasure_window = nil end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Auto Item Aquire Start #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def auto_item_aquire(kind, *items) # Create Auto Item Aquire Window @autotreasure_window = Window_QuickTreasure.new(kind, items) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * End SDK Enable Test #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- end
Informações adicionais
- Categoria: Programação XP
- Tags: Em revisão, RPG Maker XP
- Adicionado por: LichKing
- Acessos: 64
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