Battlebackgrounds Animados

8 de junho de 2011

Segue um script feito por SephirothSpawn que ensina como animar os fundos durante as batalhas. Para instalá-lo no seu RPG Maker XP basta copiar e colar abaixo do SDK e acima do Main.

# ** Animated Battlebacks
# SephirothSpawn
# Version 1
# 2006-10-08
# * Requirements :
#   Quick Animations
# * Description :
#   This script was designed to animate battlebacks during battle. It uses
#   the quick animation system to do so.
# * Instructions :
#   Place The Script Below the SDK and Above Main.
# * Syntax :
#   Enabling/Disabling Animated Battlebacks
#    - $game_temp.animated_battleback = true or false
#   Setting Animation Type (Refer to Quick Animation System)
#    - $game_temp.animated_battleback_type = 'A' or 'B'
#   Setting Time to Pass From Frame to Frame
#    - $game_temp.animated_battleback_frameskip = n
#   Setting Directory (For Type A)
#    - $game_temp.animated_battleback_directory = 'Foldername'
#   Setting Filename (For Type B)
#    - $game_temp.animated_battleback_filename = 'filename'
#   Setting Number of Frames (For Type B)
#    - $game_temp.animated_battleback_frames = n

# * SDK Log Script
SDK.log('Animated Battlebacks', 'SephirothSpawn', 1, '2006-10-08')

# * Quick Animations Test
unless SDK.state('Quick Animations')
  # Print Error
  p 'Quick Animations System Not Found. Animated Battlebacks Disabled.'
  # Disable Encounter Control
  SDK.disable('Animated Battlebacks')

# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if SDK.state('Animated Battlebacks')

# ** Game_Temp

class Game_Temp
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :animated_battleback
  attr_accessor :animated_battleback_type
  attr_accessor :animated_battleback_frameskip
  attr_accessor :animated_battleback_directory
  attr_accessor :animated_battleback_filename
  attr_accessor :animated_battleback_frames
  # * Alias Listing
  alias seph_animatedbb_gtemp_init initialize
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Original Initialization
    # Sets Default Animated Battleback Settings
    @animated_battleback = true
    @animated_battleback_type = 'B'
    @animated_battleback_frameskip = 10
    @animated_battleback_directory = 'Sample Battleback Type A'
    @animated_battleback_filename = 'Sample Battleback Type B'
    @animated_battleback_frames = 4

# ** Spriteset_Battle

class Spriteset_Battle
  # * Alias Listing
  alias seph_animatedbb_ssbtl_update update
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Update Battleback
    # Original Update
    # If Animated Battleback On
    if $game_temp.animated_battleback
      # If Animation Type A
      if $game_temp.animated_battleback_type.upcase == 'A'
        # If Not Animation Sprite
        unless @battleback_sprite.is_a?(Quick_Animation_A)
          # Dispose Animated Battleback
          unless @battleback_sprite.nil? || @battleback_sprite.disposed?
          # Create Battleback Sprite
          d = $game_temp.animated_battleback_directory
          f = $game_temp.animated_battleback_frameskip
          @battleback_sprite =, true, f, @viewport1)
      # If Animation Type B
      elsif $game_temp.animated_battleback_type.upcase == 'B'
        # If Not Animation Sprite
        unless @battleback_sprite.is_a?(Quick_Animation_B)
          # Dispose Animated Battleback
          unless @battleback_sprite.nil? || @battleback_sprite.disposed?
          # Create Battleback Sprite
          b = $game_temp.animated_battleback_filename
          f = $game_temp.animated_battleback_frames
          fs = $game_temp.animated_battleback_frameskip
          @battleback_sprite =, f, true, fs,
# * End SDK Enable Test

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