Trapaças, dicas e detonados do Alien Storm de Master System

Trapaças, dicas e detonados do Alien Storm de Master System, incluindo vida infinita, recuperar energia, saltar fases, guia em texto e um esquema pra evitar morrer.

27 de setembro de 2022

Neste artigo, temos reunidos alguns macetes e guias para o beat ’em up Alien Storm, o Golden Axe de ficção científica, em sua versão para o nosso querido console 8-bit da Sega.

Pra quem não conhece, o Alien Storm é um jogo de luta que saiu originalmente em 1990, aos fliperamas, onde um sujeito que parece o Elvis, uma mina e um robozinho enfrentam peculiares criaturas alienígenas que parecem ter saído da mente do filme Enigma do Outro Mundo e/ou da mente de H. P. Lovecraft. A sua versão de Master System foi lançada em 1991.

As trapaças, dicas e detonados neste artigo incluem vida infinita, recuperar energia, saltar fases, guia em texto, um esquema pra evitar morrer e um playthrough que mostra o Alien Storm de Master System sendo totalmente zerado.

Mas agora chega de falação. Vamos ao que interessa.

Modo de trapaça

O Alien Storm de Master System tem um modo de trapaça que permite recarregar/reduzir vida e energia e saltar de fases.

Para ativar tal modo, na tela de título, pegue o controle do jogador 2, segure o direcional pra cima e, sem soltar, pressione 1, 2, 1. Isto fará com que um ‘S’ apareça no topo direito da tela.

Agora, inicie uma partida. No controle 2, pressione 1 ou 2 para saltar fases ou aperte o direcional pra cima para restaurar toda vida e energia. Se apertar pra baixo, vai perder 10% de vida e energia.

Evitar morrer

Se você estiver jogando com o robô (Scooter), use o especial quando ele perder toda a sua energia e for derrotado. O Scooter irá correr de volta para a tela e você poderá controlá-lo novamente, apesar dele ter sido morto antes.

Atenção: só funciona com o robozinho essa manha, e o especial tem que ser executado assim que ele cair no chão sem energia. Aparentemente, isso funciona também na versão de Mega Drive deste game.

Vida infinita

A manha de vida finita no Alien Storm de Master é um código para o dispositivo Action Replay (PAR) que pode ativado com o próprio, se você possuí-lo e estiver jogando no console, no Emulicious (Tools > Cheats), Fusion (File > Game Genie / PAR) ou em outros emuladores que tem suporte.

Este código te deixa totalmente invulnerável: 00C1 1310.

Guide and Walkthrough

A seguir, temos um texto de autoria de Frankie_Spankie, quem destrinchou o Alien Storm de Master System de cabo a rabo. Tem controles, quantidade de monstros em cada fase, dicas para vencer os chefões etc.

Além de ter feito esse detonado completaço, autor é gente boa o suficiente pra deixar-nos copiar o texto em nosso site, mas original e sem modificações, o que implica estar em inglês:

                    _ _                _____ _                       
              /   | (_)              / ____| |                      
             /    | |_  ___ _ __    | (___ | |_ ___  _ __ _ __ ___  
            / /  | | |/ _  '_     ___ | __/ _ | '__| '_ ` _  
           / ____ | | |  __/ | | |   ____) | || (_) | |  | | | | | |
          /_/    __|_|___|_| |_|  |_____/ _____/|_|  |_| |_| |_|

Table of Contents

          1. - Introduction
              1.1 - Controls
              1.2 - HUD
              1.3 - Characters
              1.4 - Stage Types
              1.5 - Items
          2. - Enemies    
          3. - Walkthrough
          4. - Bosses
          5. - Cheats
          6. - Legal Disclaimer

The best way to read this guide is to go through all the sections one at a 
time. That may seem obvious but the way I wrote the walkthrough section is to 
describe each section of enemies you have to fight off. Learn how they're named 
in the enemies section, which appears prior to the walkthrough section. You'll 
also want to make sure to understand each stage type which I go into better 
detail in the introduction area. When using the walkthrough section of this 
guide, just make sure you have the previous sections already read and 
understood so you know what's coming up in each stage and section.

1. - Introduction

                                1.1 - Controls


   * D-Pad      - Move Character
   * Button 1   - Attack
   * Button 2   - Forward Flip
   * Start      - Pause
   * Button 1+2 - Special Ability (Clears all enemies on screen)


   * D-Pad      - Move Character
   * Button 1   - Attack
   * Button 2   - Jump
   * Start      - Pause
   * Button 1+2 - Special Ability (Clears all enemies on screen)


   * D-Pad      - Move Crosshair
   * Button 1   - Shoot
   * Button 2   - Shoot
   * Start      - Pause


                                   1.2 - HUD

The HUD is entirely on the bottom of the screen. There are five icons on the 
HUD. They are:

   * Top Left      - Mission #
   * Bottom Left   - Stage #
   * Middle        - Character
   * Top Right     - Life
   * Bottom Right  - Energy


                               1.3 - Characters

There are two characters in Alien Storm. They don't play differently and they 
are equally powerful. The only difference is the character model and attack 


   * Primary Fire    - Gun
   * Special Ability - Bomb


   * Primary Fire    - Whip
   * Special Ability - Self-Destruct


                               1.4 - Stage Types


    Actions stages are your typical beat 'em up stages. You will slowly walk 
    through the stage and the scene will freeze while enemies approach. Attack
    all the enemies until they die and a big "Go!" marker will appear on the 
    right side of the screen, letting you know you may progress.


    3D shooting stages can be frustrating at times for sure. A crosshair will
    appear on screen, which you control with the d-pad, and you have to shoot
    a lot of enemies that will appear throughout the screen. One thing to note
    is this is the only game mode where the special ability is disabled.


    Fast scrolling stages are kind of like a mix of beat 'em up and shoot 'em 
    up stages. Your character is constantly moving to the right at a high speed
    and enemies appear from the right side. They will move around a little bit
    but you don't have to kill them all to proceed. 


                                  1.5 - Items

    * Life Unit   - Refills a Portion of Your Health
    * Energy Unit - Refills a Portion of Your Energy
2. - Enemies


SLIME           Slimes look kind of like little pepperonis. They just slip 
                around in a gelatinous state and die in one hit.

TRASH ALIEN     Trash aliens look like snakes wrapped around garbage cans. They 
                just walk around trying to bite you and take on hit to kill.

BLOB            Blobs look kind of like a snail made of slime. They have a head 
                that can stretch out and bite you. They also try to shoot at 
                you. Sometimes when you hit them once, they will fall into a 
                smaller alien and try to run around and hit you. One more hit 
                will kill the smaller alien. Sometimes after hitting them once, 
                they just die and that's the end of them.

JUMPERS         Jumpers are little green aliens that will walk around and jump 
                towards you. They only take one shot to kill but be careful 
                because their attacks can surprise you.

SNAKE           Snakes are pretty much the same as jumpers except with a small
                twist. They take one shot to kill but similar to some blobs,
                they will sometimes break into a smaller alien you have to 
                attack one more time to kill again.

SLAPPER         These are similar to snakes. They just have a slightly further
                attack reach. They take one hit to kill and will sometimes 
                break off to a smaller alien which will take another attack to

HEAD            Heads look like little floating heads with wings. They will 
                mostly randomly appear out of blobs or snakes and only take one
                hit to kill. Only very rarely do they spawn on their own.

HOPPER          Hoppers only appear in late game. They move around, slightly 
                faster than everyone else, and try to shoot at you. They only
                take one hit to kill but can deal damage easier than any other 
                alien you've faced so far. They could break off into a smaller
                alien occassionally.


                                  3D Shooting

GREEN ALIENS    Green aliens are very common. They will appear in a row, move 
                back and forth a few times while ducking, and throwing some 
                kind of projectile at you. Two shots will kill them.

GRAY ALIENS     Gray aliens are a lot smaller and will slowly come out in the 
                middle, shoot a couple times at you, and move slowly off screen 
                on the bottom row. Two shots will kill them.

YELLOW ALIENS   Yellow aliens will quickly appear on the bottom of the screen, 
                claw at you, and then quickly run off the same side they came 
                in from. Two hits will kill them.

BIG ALIEN       Big aliens are also yellow with green shoulders. They will be
                in the back row and move very slowly. They will throw something
                at you and then walk off screen the same side they appeared 
                from. They take 10 hits to kill.

DIVERS          Divers will drop from the ceiling and dive straight for you.
                They will die in 1 hit.

SLIDER          Sliders are worthless but they appear so I'll add them to this
                guide. They don't attack and just slide along the ceiling. One
                shot will kill them but there's not much point in taking focus
                away from other aliens just to kill them.

RED ALIENS      Red aliens will appear in a row and quickly move back and 
                forth. They move so quick it could be hard to hit them. They do
                throw objects at you but they will die in 1 shot.



RED RUNNERS     Red runners will stay on the same vertical plane and just run
                to the leftand then back to the right once it reaches the far
                left side. They only take one shot to kill.

GRAY FLIES      These will fly from right to left and then move up or down, 
                then fly back to the right. Before they fly off screen, they 
                will then fly back to the left one more time before flying
                off screen to the right. They take 3 hits to kill.

RED FLIES       Red flies are kind of a mixture of red runners and gray flies.
                They will come from right to left, fly up or down when they 
                reach trhe left side, and then fly back to the right but just 
                go straight off screen instead of looping back. They take one 
                shot to kill.
3. - Walkthrough

The way this walkthrough is written is just to let you know how many enemies 
will appear at a time. A phase is basically how many units will appear before 
the next batch of units. In action stages, you have to kill them all off to 
advance to the next phase. In 3D shooting and fast scrolling, there is also a 
timer until it reaches the next phase, or you could still kill everything for 
the next phase to appear sooner. Refer to the enemies section above to know 
what each enemy is. Occassionally, enemies will also drop items. The game will 
not allow you to advance in action stages if there are items on the screen so 
make sure to pick them all up to advance!


                                   Mission 1

Stage 1

    * Stage Type - Action

       * Phase 1 - 2 Slimes
       * Phase 2 - 3 Slimes
       * Phase 3 - 2 Blobs
       * Phase 4 - 3 Trash Aliens
       * Phase 5 - 1 Blob, 2 Trash Aliens
       * Phase 6 - 2 Trash Aliens, 1 Blob
       * Phase 7 - 2 Trash Aliens, 1 Blob
       * Phase 8 - 1 Blob
       * Phase 9 - 3 Trash Aliens

Stage 2

    * Stage Type - 3D Shooting
       * Phase 1 - 5 Green Aliens, 3 Gray Aliens
       * Phase 2 - 4 Green Aliens, 2 Yellow Aliens
       * Phase 3 - 3 Green Aliens, 1 Yellow Alien
       * Phase 4 - 6 Green Aliens, 1 Yellow Alien
       * Phase 5 - 6 Green Aliens, 1 Yellow Alien
       * Phase 6 - 7 Green Aliens, 1 Yellow Alien
       * Phase 7 - 1 Big Alien

                                   Mission 2

Stage 1

    * Stage Type - Action

       * Phase 1 - 3 Slimes
       * Phase 2 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 3 - 2 Jumpers, 1 Blob
       * Phase 4 - 2 Blobs, 1 Jumper
       * Phase 5 - 2 Blobs, 1 Trash Alien
       * Phase 6 - 2 Blobs, 1 Trash Alien
       * Phase 7 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 8 - 2 Trash Aliens, 1 Jumper
       * Phase 9 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 10 - 1 Jumper
       * Phase 11 - 3 Blobs
       * Phase 12 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 13 - 2 Trash Aliens, 1 Blob
       * Phase 14 - 1 Trash Alien

Stage 2

    * Stage Type - Fast Scrolling
       * Phase 1 - 4 Runners, 2 Gray Flies, 1 Red Fly
       * Phase 2 - 5 Runners, 2 Gray Flies, 1 Red Fly
       * Phase 3 - 3 Runners

Stage 3

    * Stage Type - Action

       * Phase 1 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 2 - 3 Trash Aliens
       * Phase 3 - 2 Jumprs, 1 Blob
       * Phase 4 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 5 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 6 - 2 Jumpers
       * Phase 7 - 2 Trash Aliens, 1 Jumper
       * Phase 8 - 2 Jumpers, 1 Trash Alien
       * Phase 9 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 10 - 3 Blobs

Stage 4

    * Stage Type - 3D Shooting

       * Phase 1 - 3 Green Aliens, 1 Gray Alien, 1 Yellow Alien
       * Phase 2 - 5 Green Aliens, 1 Gray Alien, 1 Yellow Alien
       * Phase 3 - 4 Green Aliens
       * Phase 4 - 2 Green Aliens, 1 Yellow Alien
       * Phase 5 - 4 Green Aliens, 1 Yellow Alien
       * Phase 6 - 5 Green Aliens, 1 Gray Alien
       * Phase 7 - 8 Green Aliens, 2 Gray Aliens, 1 Big Alien
       * Phase 8 - 3 Green Aliens, 1 Big Alien
       * Phase 9 - 3 Green Aliens
       * Phase 10 - 2 Green Aliens
       * Phase 11 - 3 Green Aliens


                                   Mission 3

Stage 1

    * Stage Type - Action

       * Phase 1 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 2 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 3 - 3 Snakes
       * Phase 4 - 2 Snakes, 1 Jumper
       * Phase 5 - 1 Snake, 1 Jumper
       * Phase 6 - 2 Slappers
       * Phase 7 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 8 - 3 Slappers
       * Phase 9 - 3 Slappers
       * Phase 10 - 2 Jumpers, 1 Slapper
       * Phase 11 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 12 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 13 - 2 Jumpers, 1 Slapper
       * Phase 14 - 2 Slappers, 1 Jumper
       * Phase 15 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 16 - 2 Jumpers, 1 Slapper
       * Phase 17 - Boss
           This boss is actually really simple, it just walks towards you. 
           There's no range attack and the only damage it can deal to you is by 
           walking directly into you. You can actually just roll through it 
           without taking damage by pressing the 2 button and dealing some 
           damage before rolling again. Just repeat this strategy until it 
           dies. It takes about 15 attacks to kill.

Stage 2

    * Stage Type - 3D Shooting

       * Phase 1 - 8 Divers
       * Phase 2 - 6 Divers, 1 Gray Alien, 1 Slider
       * Phase 3 - 6 Divers, 1 Gray Alien
       * Phase 3 - 7 Divers, 1 Slider
       * Phase 4 - 7 Divers, 1 Slider
       * Phase 5 - 7 Divers, 2 Gray Aliens
       * Phase 6 - 7 Divers
       * Phase 7 - 9 Divers, 1 Slider
       * Phase 8 - 17 Divers
       * Phase 9 - 8 Divers, 1 Gray Alien
       * Phase 10 - 4 Divers, 2 Gray Aliens

Stage 3

    * Stage Type - Fast Scrolling

       * Phase 1 - 4 Runners, 3 Gray Flies, 2 Red Flies
       * Phase 2 - 3 Runners, 2 Red Flies, 1 Gray Fly

Stage 4

    * Stage Type - Action

       * Phase 1 - Boss
           The second boss of the game is a bit more difficult than the first 
           boss you've encountered but the same general strategy applies. It 
           mostly just walks around and you can roll through it to avoid taking 
           damage from it. It does also shoot out a lightning bolt out of its 
           face pretty often though so try not to get too close. This fight 
           will take a while because you don't want to get too close to its 
           face and because it has twice as much health, taking 30 attacks to 

       * Phase 2 - 3 Heads
       * Phase 3 - 2 Heads

                                   Mission 4

Stage 1

    * Stage Type - Fast Scrolling

       * Phase 1 - 2 Runners, 1 Gray Alien
       * Phase 2 - Boss
           You will see the boss float in from the sky and drop some spikes. 
           The spikes will go from right to left and you'll have to jump over 
           them or simply move to avoid them, jumping is much easier to deal 
           with. Just keep shooting at it and jumping until it dies. It takes a 
           lot of hits to kill, about 75 in total. You could actually beat this 
           boss with a timer that doesn't appear on screen anywhere if you just 
           successfully avoid all of the spike traps. 

Stage 2

    * Stage Type - Action

       * Phase 1 - 2 Blobs, 1 Jumper
       * Phase 2 - 2 Jumpers
       * Phase 3 - 2 Blobs, 1 Jumper
       * Phase 4 - 2 Jumpers
       * Phase 5 - 2 Jumpers, 1 Blob
       * Phase 6 - 1 Jumper, 1 Blob
       * Phase 7 - 3 Slappers
       * Phase 8 - 2 Jumpers, 1 Slapper
       * Phase 9 - 2 Slappers, 1 Jumper
       * Phase 10 - Boss
           This is the same as the first boss you have seen in the game. It 
           will just walk strasight to you and that's how it deals damage. You 
           can roll through it to avoid damage. Just hit it 15 times to kill 
           it, it should be an easier fight for you by this point in the game.

Stage 3

    * Stage Type - Action

       * Phase 1 - 3 Snakes
       * Phase 2 - 2 Jumpers, 1 Snake
       * Phase 3 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 4 - 2 Trash Aliens, 1 Jumper
       * Phase 5 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 6 - 3 Trash Aliens
       * Phase 7 - 2 Trash Aliens
       * Phase 8 - 3 Blobs
       * Phase 9 - 1 Blob
       * Phase 10 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 11 - 2 Jumpers
       * Phase 12 - 3 Jumpers
       * Phase 13 - 1 Jumper
       * Phase 14 - 2 Slappers
       * Phase 15 - 3 Slappers
       * Phase 16 - 2 Jumpers, 1 Slapper
       * Phase 17 - 1 Jumper, 1 Slapper
       * Phase 18 - 3 Hoppers
       * Phase 19 - 3 Hoppers
       * Phase 20 - 3 Hoppers
       * Phase 21 - 3 Hoppers
       * Phase 22 - 3 Hoppers
       * Phase 23 - 3 Hoppers
       * Phase 24 - 3 Hoppers
       * NOTE - At the end of this stage, you will have two separate doors to 
                enter, you get to pick. The left door will bring you to stage 4
                and the right door will bring you to stage 5. Picking the right
                door does not save a level as defeating stage 4 will bring you
                straight to stage 6. Feel free to look at the descriptions for
                stage 4 & 5 to see which you'd prefer to try but they're both
                boss battles in action stages.

Stage 4

    * Stage Type - Action

       * Phase 1 - Boss
           This boss is pretty much just a stronger version of the first boss. 
           It will only walk towards you and punch a fist out of its stomach. 
           Just keep throwing some attacks in and then roll through it when it 
           gets too close. It takes 35 hits to kill.

Stage 5

    * Stage Type - Action

       * Phase 1 - Boss

           This boss is unlike any boss you've seen so far. It will float 
           around towards you and stop randomly to fire missiles at the ground 
           around it. The blast radius is very small so if you just make sure 
           to roll away when it stops, you should be fine. This boss takes 35 
           hits to kill.

Stage 6

    * Stage Type - 3D Shooting

       * Phase 1 - 3 Green Aliens
       * Phase 2 - 3 Green Aliens
       * Phase 3 - 3 Green Aliens
       * Phase 4 - 1 Green Alien
       * Phase 5 - 3 Red Aliens
       * Phase 6 - 3 Red Aliens
       * Phase 7 - 2 Red Aliens
       * Phase 8 - 2 Red Aliens, 2 Green Aliens, 1 Yellow Alien
       * Phase 9 - 4 Green Aliens, 1 Red Alien
       * Phase 10 - 2 Red Aliens, 2 Green Aliens, 1 Yellow Alien
       * Phase 11 - 3 Green Aliens, 1 Red Alien
       * Phase 12 - 3 Green Aliens, 1 Red Alien, 1 Big Alien
       * Phase 13 - 3 Green Aliens, 2 Red Aliens
       * Phase 14 - 2 Green Aliens, 2 Red Aliens, 1 Yellow Alien
       * Phase 15 - 4 Green Aliens, 1 Red Alien
       * Phase 16 - 3 Green Aliens, 1 Red Alien, 1 Big Alien
       * Phase 17 - 3 Green Aliens, 2 Red Aliens
       * Phase 18 - 2 Green Aliens, 2 Red Aliens, 1 Yellow Alien
       * Phase 19 - 4 Green Aliens, 1 Red Alien
       * Phase 20 - 2 Green Aliens, 2 Red Aliens, 1 Yellow Alien
       * Phase 21 - 4 Green Aliens, 1 Red Alien
       * Phase 22 - 3 Green Aliens, 1 Red Alien, 1 Big Alien
       * Phase 23 - 3 Green Aliens, 2 Red Aliens
       * Phase 24 - 2 Green Aliens, 2 Red Aliens, 1 Yellow Alien
       * Phase 25 - 4 Green Aliens, 1 Red Alien
       * Phase 26 - 4 Green Aliens, 1 Red Alien
       * Phase 27 - 2 Green Aliens, 2 Red Aliens, 1 Big Alien
4. - Bosses

                                   Mission 3
                                    Stage 1

This boss is actually really simple, it just walks towards you. There's no 
range attack and the only damage it can deal to you is by walking directly into 
you. You can actually just roll through it without taking damage by pressing 
the 2 button and dealing some damage before rolling again. Just repeat this 
strategy until it dies. It takes about 15 attacks to kill.


                                   Mission 3
                                    Stage 4

The second boss of the game is a bit more difficult than the first boss you've 
encountered but the same general strategy applies. It mostly just walks around 
and you can roll through it to avoid taking damage from it. It does also shoot 
out a lightning bolt out of its face pretty often though so try not to get too 
close. This fight will take a while because you don't want to get too close to 
its face and because it has twice as much health, taking 30 attacks to kill.


                                   Mission 4
                                    Stage 1

You'll be in a fast scrolling stage here for this boss battle. You will see the 
boss float in from the sky and drop some spikes. The spikes will go from right 
to left and you'll have to jump over them or simply move to avoid them, jumping 
is much easier to deal with. Just keep shooting at it and jumping until it 
dies. It takes a lot of hits to kill, about 75 in total. You could actually 
beat this boss with a timer that doesn't appear on screen anywhere if you just 
successfully avoid all of the spike traps. 


                                   Mission 4
                                    Stage 2

This is the same as the first boss you have seen in the game. It will just walk 
strasight to you and that's how it deals damage. You can roll through it to 
avoid damage. Just hit it 15 times to kill it, it should be an easier fight for 
you by this point in the game.


                                   Mission 4
                                    Stage 4

This boss is pretty much just a stronger version of the first boss. It will 
only walk towards you and punch a fist out of its stomach. Just keep throwing 
some attacks in and then roll through it when it gets too close. It takes 35 
hits to kill.


                                   Mission 4
                                    Stage 5

This boss is unlike any boss you've seen so far. It will float around towards 
you and stop randomly to fire missiles at the ground around it. The blast 
radius is very small so if you just make sure to roll away when it stops, you 
should be fine. This boss takes 35 hits to kill.
5. - Cheats
This cheat requires two controllers. On the title screen, while using the 
second controller, holy up and press 1, 2, 1. An S will appear in the top right 
corner. While playing in game, the 2nd controller will control the cheats while 
the 1st controller will control the character in game normally. With the second 
controller, the following buttons will have the following actions:

   * Up       - Refill Life & Energy
   * Down     - Lower Life & Energy to ~10%
   * Left     - No Use
   * Right    - No Use
   * Button 1 - Next Stage
   * Button 2 - Next Stage
   * Start    - No Use
6. - Legal Disclaimer

This guide is copyrighted © 2018 to Frank Grochowski. 

You may host this guide on your website provided you follow these guidelines:

     * The guide must be available for free to all.
     * The guide must remain unchanged.
     * You must give me full credit on your website.

The latest version of this guide will always be found at:


Detonado em vídeo

A seguir, temos um vídeo do canal World of Longplays que mostra o Alien Storm de Master System sendo totalmente detonado. O playthrough não foi feito primariamente para ser um guia, mas pode servir como um, pois mostra como são as fases, onde estão os inimigos e como podem ser derrotados.

Clado, dá pra assistir de bobeira também, pra conhecer o game ou pela nostalgia:

A jogatina acima foi conduzida por SCHLAUCHI, que pode ou não ter usado save states para zerar o game.

Bom, por enquanto é isso aí.

Se depois desse overkill de dicas e trapaças, você não conseguir zerar esse game, melhor procurar outra coisa pra fazer.

Mas se eu descobrir mais alguma manha para o Alien Storm de Master volto e atualizo aqui com ela. E você pode ajudar, deixando suas complementações, correções e dúvidas aí nos comentários.


Mais dicas de Master System

Observação: se você gostou deste post ou ele lhe foi útil de alguma forma, por favor considere apoiar financeiramente a Gaming Room. Fico feliz só de ajudar, mas a contribuição do visitante é muito importante para que este site continua existindo e para que eu possa continuar provendo este tipo de conteúdo e melhorar cada vez mais. Clique aqui e saiba como. Obrigado!

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